• Iryna Dehtyarova Sumy State University
  • Yevhen Sitak Sumy State University
Keywords: labour potential, labour resources, personnel policy, efficiency, productivity, innovation activity, qualifications


This paper analyzes the problems of formation and use of labour potential of the company. Analysis of human resources of any company is the assessment of provision of the company and its divisions by personnel as well as labour movement assessment. The main part of this process is the analysis of composition and structure of personnel, security of enterprise workers, administrative management, educational background, qualifications, professional qualifications, as well as changes in company’s personnel. The paper presents the benefits of using a valuation coefficient technique for assessing employment potential of the company, which in essence is a hybrid of cost and benefit approaches to assessment.


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How to Cite
Dehtyarova, I., & Sitak, Y. (2013). ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF LABOUR POTENTIAL FORMATION OF THE COMPANY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 136-141. Retrieved from