• Victoriya Lapteva Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov
Keywords: function, method, model, project, resource, risk


In the article represented a new approach to the minimizing line of innovative investment activities. The necessity of accounting line of innovative investment activities and the definition of reduction ways are defined. An attempt was made to minimize a risk at the expense of reserving resources at some assumptions. It is shown that this activity relates with the probability of losing of resources and receiving less revenues and the emergence of additional costs. The main directions of reducing of innovative and investment activities are presented: the distribution of risk between project participants, insurance and reserving funds. The risks inside the organizations, the ways of minimizing, programming and management, choice of the optimal solutions of available alternatives are considered. Use of presented techniques can help prevent a crisis situation. You must create the domestic system of analysis to the specific market conditions.


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How to Cite
Lapteva, V. (2013). MODELING OF RISK MINIMIZATION IN INNOVATION AND INVESTING ACTIVITIES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 151-155. Retrieved from