Keywords: digitalization of the economy, labor market, digital gaps, digital transformations, labor market quality, factor analysis, digital skills, digital responsiveness, Ukraine


The study is devoted to the search for methodological bases for assessing digital gaps in the labor market of Ukraine in the employment segment on digital platforms, taking into account modern trends of industrial changes and the exponential growth of the digital economy. It was found that the impact of digital transformations on the labor market is contradictory and heterogeneous in the sectors of the economy. According to forecasts, there will not be so a general reduction of jobs as their redistribution in the spheres of activity. Digital gaps in the labor market are identified as gaps between the supply and demand of workers with digital skills and the response of institutions to these gaps. Factor analysis (principal components) was used to assess functional relationships in the labor market system in the employment segment on digital platforms. It was found that the main component of such a labor market is digital responsiveness – the response of skill development systems to changing market requirements. At the same time, this digital responsiveness is mainly provided by the population through self-education. Therefore, the problem of inertia of formal education institutions and institutes, which should solve the task of educating adults, has been identified.


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How to Cite
Stepura, T., Didukh, N., Derykolenko, O., & Dehtiarova, I. (2024). DIGITAL GAPS IN THE LABOR MARKET IN THE CONDITIONS OF INDUSTRIAL CHANGES AND DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 7-17.