Keywords: modeling, artificial intelligence, socio-economic processes, connections


The article examines the issue of using artificial intelligence in modeling socio-economic processes. It is emphasized that artificial intelligence plays a key role in modeling socio-economic processes, which allows us to better understand these processes and make more effective decisions. It is noted that the initiation of social programs for training, development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in public administration in Ukraine is expedient. This will contribute to the involvement of talented young people from various social groups in digital technologies and will help solve the problem of their insufficient recognition in Ukraine. The beginning of this process should be related to education, therefore it is important to create a training center on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine This will make it possible to expand the scientific worldview of young people and stimulate their participation in scientific programs and the development of the latest artificial intelligence algorithms for the digital transformation of Ukraine. As a conclusion, it is stated that artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the approach to modeling socio-economic processes. AI can help take into account complex nonlinear relationships between economic factors, analyze the impact of various decisions on the economic system, and automate modeling processes. to solve the problems associated with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the modeling of socio-economic processes, it is necessary to develop new methods of selecting parameters, reproducing results, assessing unpredictability and using data. These methods can be based on machine learning algorithms, data collection and cleaning processes, generative learning, and other technologies. Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the approach to modeling socio-economic processes. AI can help take into account complex nonlinear relationships between economic factors, analyze the impact of various decisions on the economic system, and automate modeling processes. In today's world, AI is already widely used in modeling the stock market, banking, predicting the impact of climate change on the economy, and other industries. In the future, AI is likely to play an increasingly important role in modeling socio-economic processes. AI models will become more accurate and predictable, which will allow them to be used to make more effective decisions. AI will also be used to automate modeling processes, making them faster and more efficient.


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How to Cite
Shilan, M., Hryvnak, V., & Kurochka, R. (2024). APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE SIMULATION OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROCESSES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 29-32.