Keywords: digital technologies, digital transformations, personnel management, emergencies, personnel safety


The article focuses on the role of digital technologies in the management of labour safety of enterprise personnel in emergencies. It is well-founded that digital solutions allow for the accurate analysis of workforce needs, assessment of the labour market, and development of recruitment strategies. In emergencies, the authors emphasise the importance of digital technologies in creating adequate security and emergency response systems. Digital solutions facilitate the study of past events, provide psychological support to personnel, and facilitate cooperation with local civil protection services. The article emphasises that integrating digital technologies in personnel management and labour protection is a strategic investment in the sustainability and success of the enterprise, ensuring efficiency in the most challenging moments and increasing the company's competitiveness in a complex business environment. Ensuring the safety of personnel is a prerequisite for any organisation's sustainable development and success. Organisations that focus on creating a safe and healthy work environment are more competitive and provide stability and trust among various stakeholders. Digital technologies in this context help automate processes and provide new opportunities for improving management and security systems. A balanced and timely approach to implementing digital solutions in personnel management and labour protection can significantly increase the effectiveness and responsiveness of the organisation in emergencies. Therefore, understanding and paying attention to the needs of staff during an emergency increases trust in the team and can be a factor that increases employee engagement during difficult periods. A coordinated and practical approach to personnel management in emergencies is a strategic investment in the sustainability and long-term success of the enterprise. This can positively impact the company's image and attract new talented employees. In general, effective integrated personnel management in emergencies is a strategic investment in the sustainability and long-term success of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Kubatko, O., Voronenko, V., & Diadenko, O. (2024). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS FOR ENTERPRISE STAFF SAFETY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 46-53.