Keywords: financial security, economic security, financial and economic security, enterprise, property security, trade secrets, threats


The essence of the concept of financial and economic security is provided. The financial security is characterized, which includes a number of components, but it is emphasized that almost all concepts are based on the economic security of the enterprise. The essence of financial security according to different scholars is defined. The largest industrial enterprises of Ukraine in 2023 are analyzed and three industrial enterprises are selected for further research. The peculiarities of financial and economic security management on the basis of industrial enterprises development are revealed. The author's own understanding of the concept of "financial security" is formed. It is investigated that the largest revenue from sales in Ukraine is generated by JSC "National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine", which, despite the war and shelling, has not stopped its activities. It has been studied that the enterprises with the largest sales revenue in Ukraine are those in the electricity sector, for which it is proposed to consider the features of financial and economic security management that can be used for practical implementation in the activities of enterprises. The revenue from the sale of domestic enterprises during the war in Ukraine is studied. The system of managing the financial and economic security of an enterprise is studied, which is a set of measures carried out in the economic, managerial, technical, organizational, regime, preventive and propaganda spheres and influencing the security of production interests and property of an enterprise from the impact of external and internal threats. A comprehensive management system has been developed to minimize financial and economic risks, which should minimize the impact on the enterprise's operations. It is determined that the system of management of financial and economic security of enterprise is a complex of measures of different directions, the purpose of which is to protect its interests from the negative impact of the external environment. The composition of the service of management of financial and economic security of enterprise is researched. The system of organization of financial and economic security is characterized, which includes the following processes: organization and protection of interests of enterprise, representation and support of interests of industrial enterprise at the macro level, effective management of the use of the resource base of enterprise, effective management and security of financing and investment of enterprise, ensuring the security of enterprise property, formation of personnel security of enterprise, protection and counteraction to environmental threats, regulatory and legal support for protection of. The purpose of organizing and building a system of financial and economic security at enterprise is indicated. An assessment of the financial and economic security of an enterprise is provided, which is important, since the existing production potential is a determining factor in stabilizing anti-crisis sustainable development, a guarantor of innovative economic growth and the basis of economic security and independence of the State. The identification of the main risks that affect the financial stability of industrial enterprises is analyzed. Alternative methods to minimize risks for domestic industrial enterprises operating in the context of technology development and development of innovative projects to minimize them are proposed. A methodology for enterprises that can improve the financial condition and achieve success in the market is proposed. Conclusions on the management of financial and economic security of industrial enterprises are drawn.


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How to Cite
Dashko, I., & Mykhailichenko, L. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY ON THE BASIS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 66-71.