Keywords: urban public transport, staffing, communal enterprises, labor productivity, general and operational number of employees


The shortage of personnel in all branches of the economy of our country is due to the specifics of the state of war, in which our state did not find itself by its own will. 74% of Ukrainian enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, experience a shortage of personnel, and there are several explanations for this, which are given in the article. Public transport enterprises should take several strategic steps to overcome (at least partially) the mentioned problem. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to formulate transformations regarding staffing and evaluation of the efficiency of urban public transport enterprises in conditions of shortage and outflow of personnel. The results of the analysis of changes in labor productivity allowed us to conclude that it is possible to increase its productivity after carrying out appropriate personnel changes. The article examines how the staffing of urban public transport enterprises affects the efficiency of its work and formulated transformations regarding the staffing of enterprises of the industry and the assessment of the effectiveness of their activities in conditions of shortage and outflow of personnel. To analyze changes in labor productivity at enterprises of the industry, it is proposed to use a three-factor multiplicative model, which is described in this article. A general formula for the analysis of changes in labor productivity at the enterprises of the industry is defined and its more detailed view is also provided. The article provides a list of personnel transformations taking place at public transport utilities of Ukraine due to the existing shortage of personnel and formulates a conclusion regarding the importance of such personnel transformations in the activities of these enterprises. All formulated transformations should affect all enterprises of the industry and should be applied in the work of enterprises already today. The efficiency of the enterprises of the industry and the entire communal economy of cities, which ensures the safety, well-being and comfort of its own residents, depends on the effective system of staffing of the urban public transport of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Zakharov, D. (2024). IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE STAFFING SYSTEM OF EXISTING URBAN (PUBLIC) TRANSPORT OF UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 72-75.