Keywords: grants, grants for industrial parks, grants for industry, grants in Ukraine, EU grants, government grants


The article examines grant opportunities for the creation and development of industrial parks in Ukraine. It is demonstrated that there are a number of state, regional and international programs for these processes. Based on the results of the study, all grant instruments are divided into grants of internal and external programs. The internal programs include: 1. non-refundable resources from the state in the amount of up to a maximum of 60 million grants for the development of industrial parks and/or the construction of engineering and transport infrastructure (roads, communication lines, heat, gas, water and electricity supply, utilities, etc.) necessary for the creation and operation of industrial parks; 2. grants of the eRobot program in the area of "Grants for processing enterprises" in the amount of up to UAH 8,000,000 are relevant for participants of industrial parks, as according to the current legislation they can engage in processing activities on the territory of parks. 3. regional financing instruments of executive authorities, local governments and regional funds and programs. External instruments include grant instruments of the European Commission's programs. It is emphasized that since the participants of industrial parks can engage in manufacturing, waste processing (except for disposal), biofuel production, and certain types of vehicles on the territory of the parks, the European Commission programs that provide grant funding for such activities are relevant for them. Among them: Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, Erasmus+, Digital Europe Program, EU4Health Program, Environment and Climate Action Program, Single Market Program, Connecting Europe Facility, and Euratom Research and Training Program. The article emphasizes that the European Commission has developed different legal documents, work programs and guidelines for all these programs, but the vast majority of calls have a number of the same conditions for participation for applicants. It is emphasized that the fulfillment of general and special requirements of these programs is the key to success in grant competitions for industrial parks and obtaining substantial grant funding, which in some cases can reach even several million euros. To summarize: within the framework of internal and external programs, there is a wide range of grant opportunities for various industrial parks' entities: from financing activities in the process of creation to raising funds for the development of economic entities of park participants.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2024). GRANTS FOR THE CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PARKS IN UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 76-80.