Keywords: small business, small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, Ukrainian Business Index, tourism, tourist activity


In modern economic conditions, small and medium-sized enterprises play a decisive role in ensuring employment of the population, are an important factor in social stability and economic growth. The article describes the place and role of domestic small business in the general structure of travel agencies, travel operators and enterprises providing other tourist services over the last ten years. Individual entrepreneurs (about 40%) and legal entities (about 60%) operate in the field of tourism in Ukraine. Medium-sized enterprises in tourism make up only 1%, small ones – 99%, the vast majority of them are micro-enterprises. Legislative aspects of the definition of small business in Ukraine and EU countries are analyzed. The classification of enterprises in accordance with the Economic Code and the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" was considered, and certain discrepancies in the definition of criteria were identified. Based on the results of the survey of Ukrainian business owners, three groups of problems and, accordingly, the ways to solve them were identified: the first group is economic problems and obstacles in doing business related to the lack of resources; the second group – obstacles or lack of support from the state; the third problem is the most difficult – military conflicts, occupation and hostilities on the territory of the country. The study of scientific literature and the results of surveys made it possible to generalize the current problems of small business in the field of tourism in Ukraine. The priority directions of creating a business environment in the field of tourism as an improvement of legal support have been determined; strengthening the financial and credit mechanism for the development of small businesses, in particular reducing the tax burden; infrastructural changes; improvement of information support, marketing activities, restoration and creation of new types of tourist products, improvement of national quality standards of tourist services; improvement of human resources; support from local authorities; others. State support of small business in the field of tourism is a component of state policy, which should create and maintain favorable conditions and environment for the expansion of the small business sector.


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How to Cite
Vyhovskyy, D., & Konarivska, O. (2024). STATE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS IN TOURISM OF UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 81-87.