Keywords: neuromarketing, consumers, emotions, behavior, advertising


In today's marketing world, where the competition for consumer attention and loyalty is becoming increasingly fierce, neuromarketing is an innovative approach that opens up new opportunities for understanding and influencing consumer behavior. Combining knowledge from neuroscience, psychology, and marketing, neuromarketing offers a unique perspective on how people respond to marketing stimuli. Neuromarketing enables marketers to explore consumers' emotions, motivations, and unconscious thoughts that they may not always be able to verbalize. This knowledge helps you create more effective marketing campaigns that resonate better with your target audience. Neuromarketing helps marketers create advertisements, product packaging, and other marketing materials that evoke strong emotions in consumers. This can lead to better brand recall, increased engagement and purchase incentives. This article explores the features of neuromarketing and its potential to influence consumer behavior, which is important and necessary in today's society, taking into account the trends in the development of the economy, society and the digitalization of the purchase of goods and services, as well as existing economic trends, revealing its potential for revolutionary changes in the field of marketing strategies. The features of the use of neuromarketing to influence consumer behavior are characterized by determining the positive and negative sides of this type of marketing. The negative sides of neuromarketing are characterized, in particular, ethical problems, high cost, error regarding the accuracy of results, abuse, limitations, while the positive sides are the impact on emotions, strengthening of instinctive reactions, detection of unconscious motives, optimization of marketing materials, and increased personalization. Among the negative aspects of neuromarketing, the article deals mostly with ethical issues, in particular, manipulation, invasion of privacy, deception, inaccessibility, overcoming subjectivism, lack of scientific consensus. Overcoming these problems is the main task of this type of marketing on the way to effective promotion of goods and services.


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How to Cite
Mazur, K., & Lymanets, A. (2024). FEATURES OF NEUROMARKETING APPLICATION TO INFLUENCE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 92-95. https://doi.org/10.32782/mer.2024.104.14