Keywords: threats, security, information, sources, war


The article examines the issue of analyzing the current state of information security in Ukraine. It is emphasized that modern realities testify to the effectiveness of mass information attacks, bots and fakes as tools for disorientation, intimidation and manipulation of society. The issue of information security and culture, especially in the conditions of war, becomes a matter of survival of man, society and the state. This concerns not only the interests of the state, but also the rights and freedoms of every individual. The basis of modern information security is data integrity, information availability, confidentiality and reliability of its preservation. As a conclusion, it is said that the analysis of the current state of information security of the state indicates that the provision of this security is based on the activities of the information structures of the state. These structures must ensure the security of information of the state and its subjects in the conditions of globalization and growing threats of international terrorism. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative factors in Ukraine that complicate the creation of such information structures, and one of them is the inconsistency between state authorities in matters of ensuring information security. Modern threats to information security go beyond the borders of our state and have global consequences that encroach not only on the national space, but also on the international order. In order to prevent and counter modern information threats, it is necessary not only to adopt relevant normative legal acts, but also to ensure the functioning of the institutional mechanism for ensuring information security, including educational programs. This involves the systematic activity of state-legal institutions, which must effectively realize national interests in the information sphere. They should be able not only to respond to the spread of information manipulation and false information, but also to anticipate conflicts and shape the information culture of society. In addition, taking into account global threats and challenges, effective countermeasures against information aggression is possible with the participation of international organizations, institutions and the international community.


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How to Cite
Kotliarov, V. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT STATE OF INFORMATION SECURITY IN UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 101-104.