Keywords: information space, information resources, networks, information products, information technologies, means


The article examines the issue of the interaction of the information and educational environment of a higher school with the technologies of pedagogical design. It is emphasized that the Complete solution to the task of creating a high-quality information and educational environment involves the formation of a single information system for an educational institution, as well as a network of its divisions through the development of a corporate communication infrastructure. This means the use of modern digital equipment, information and computer technology, and high-quality software with further integration of current information systems into the educational complex. In addition, it is necessary to develop and create a system for managing the development of this system. The use of pedagogical design technologies allows for personalization of learning taking into account the individual needs and capabilities of each student. The learning environment can be customized to give students individual assignments, help them solve problems, and even track their progress in real time. This contributes to the activation of students' independent work and the development of their study skills. As a conclusion, it is said that one of the promising directions for the modernization of education in the conditions of reforms and social challenges is the creation of an informational and educational environment of higher educational institutions. This will contribute to the improvement of material and technical, psychological and pedagogical, didactic and communicative provision of the educational process, as well as contribute to the modernization of teaching aids based on the latest information and communication technologies. The interaction of the information and educational environment of a higher school with pedagogical design technologies is an important element of modern education. This interaction creates unique opportunities for improving learning, developing students and preparing them for life in the modern information society. The development and implementation of innovative pedagogical practices using pedagogical design technologies will be a key factor in ensuring quality and effective education in the future.


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How to Cite
Mos’ondz, M., Tymoshenko, R., & Babicheva, H. (2024). THE INTERACTION OF THE INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE HIGHER SCHOOL WITH THE TECHNOLOGIES OF PEDAGOGICAL DESIGN. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (104), 105-108.