The article considers the peculiarities of the formulation of the essence of open innovation and the differences in the manifestation of this phenomenon in accordance with the differences in conditions and objectives. The analysis of differences in the author's definitions of the phenomenon of open innovation, their advantages and disadvantages indicating, on the one hand, the process of evolution and complexity of this phenomenon, and on the other hand – the incompleteness of the author's definitions, which indicates the need to improve the methodological framework. The purpose of this work is to investigate the characteristics of open innovation as a complex holistic phenomenon, the complexity of which requires the creation of a new typology for its correct multilateral assessment. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the fundamental provisions of economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, including scientists on the creation of methodology and innovation. During the study the following methods were used: systematic approach (to study the essence of open innovations), comprehensive approach (to find differences in the manifestation of open innovations), graph-table method (for clarity and formalization of the processed information), evaluation (to assess the correctness of the sources under study). The authors emphasize that basically open innovations solve the problems of conventional innovations, but the nature of interaction of subjects of the innovation process in open innovations is not completely identical to conventional (closed) innovations. Therefore, the existing classification of conventional innovations can complement the classification of open innovations, but the novelty and complexity of the innovation process of open innovations, including the innovation funnel, requires the creation of a new typology. The article proposes an approach to the formation of a typology of open innovations, which is represented by a conceptual knowledge structure that systematically accumulates the differences of open innovations. This approach is defined on the basis of the study of modern scientific approaches to the essence and characteristics of open innovations.
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