Keywords: unemployment, unemployment rate, population employment, crime rate, СOVID-19


This study is devoted to the problems of unemployment in Ukraine. The article provides an economic and statistical study of unemployment in different regions of Ukraine. Unemployment in the economic sector is also considered. The article also notes that unemployment can be quantified using absolute measures, such as the number of unemployed, and relative measures, including the unemployment rate.Also, the place of the unemployment level in Ukraine among other European countries is determined. The authors visualize information about unemployment in Ukraine in terms of the causes of unemployment in 2020, focus on the number of unemployed after graduation, as well as assess the impact of unemployment on the level of crime in the regions of Ukraine. The article also describes the negative consequences of rising unemployment for the country's economy. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of unemployment in Ukraine. Listed a number of measures that need to be implemented to reduce unemployment, such as: promoting the competitiveness of the workforce, reforming labor laws, promoting the development of businesses, particularly small businesses, if necessary, promoting professional retraining and allocation of budget seats in higher education institutions in areas of training that are lacking in the labor market. It is noted that there are factors affecting unemployment that are difficult to influence, particularly COVID-19 and Russia's full-scale invasion in Ukraine. It was also emphasized that unemployment has positive aspects, such as increased competition among workers, which will lead to an increase in the quality of job performance, increase the social value of labor, and stimulate an increase in the intensity and productivity of work. The analysis was conducted in the period before Russia's full-scale invasion, but the possible negative consequences of the war were repeatedly emphasized.


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How to Cite
Vdovyn, M., Zomchak, L., & Kohanevych, M. (2022). UNEMPLOYMENT IN UKRAINE: ECONOMIC AND STATISTICAL OVERVIEW. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1-2(95-96), 60-66. https://doi.org/10.32782/mer.2022.95-96.10