Keywords: international rating, analysis, positioning, indicator, economic security


Factors that have a negative impact on the economy of the country were identified: geopolitical and financial and economic instability, inflationary fluctuations, migration processes, decline in financial stability of enterprises and their bankruptcy, etc. This necessitates the development of monitoring mechanisms, theoretical and methodological approaches and their practical implementation, aimed at the objective analysis and assessment of Ukraine's rating positions in the context of ensuring its economic security. This is an important methodological toolkit during the recovery and adaptation phase of the country's economy in the postwar period. The threats posed by hybrid warfare encompass all areas of the country's socio-economic development and negatively affect the level of its economic security. That is why the analysis of Ukraine's international rating positions should be comprehensive and aimed at identifying negative factors in order to develop appropriate programs and measures to minimize their impact and maintain the level of economic security of the state. The purpose of the study is to analyze the international ratings of Ukraine in the context of economic security. To analyze the rating positions of Ukraine in the context of economic security, a research panel containing general and specific international ratings and indices is used. The matrix of correspondence of international ratings and indices to the functional components of the economic security of Ukraine is constructed. A retrospective analysis of Ukraine's positioning in international rankings (ICT Development Index, Global Cybersecurity Index, Speedtest Global Index, ND-GAIN Country Index, International Property Rights Index, Fragile States Index, PowerIndex) was conducted. The methodological support for the calculation of these indices is considered. The results of the analysis show that most of the considered specific indices of independent rating agencies have a positive trend. The dynamics of the integral index of economic security of Ukraine for 2010-2022 is presented.


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How to Cite
Polozova, T., & Kolupaieva, I. (2022). ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL RATINGS OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1-2(95-96), 103-113.