Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by the aggressor country, migration processes have taken on a mass character. First and foremost, people are trying to save their lives and their future. Migration because of the war affects various economic aspects: the labor force, the consumer market, domestic business, and national welfare. The dangers of migration are declared not only in Ukraine, but also in the host countries. Even if immigrants help replenish the basic factors of production, the cost of these resources becomes an additional burden on the system of social assistance, education, transportation, and housing. This increases the burden on the economic and financial security of the state. The article analyzes cross-border migration from Ukraine for military reasons, the trends of emigration processes and the impact on the financial security of the state. Statistical methods of obtaining information were used, a comparative analysis of data was carried out, the methodology of the research holding 4Service Group on the survey of Ukrainian emigrants was collected. Current statistics collected by the UN Refugee Agency are presented – more than 5.5 million Ukrainians are registered all over Europe. A comparative analysis of data from neighboring countries bordering Ukraine and other selected European countries was conducted separately for registered refugees from Ukraine and refugees officially registered for temporary protection in the host country. It turned out that safety was the most important factor during forced emigration for all Ukrainian refugees. The first condition for choosing a country to leave was the presence of acquaintances (relatives, friends). Some chose the country for its proximity to the border, others for its developed economy and more attractive social conditions. Justifies the need for an important task today for the Government of Ukraine, namely, it is necessary to make every effort to return the abandoned population, to stop this sufficient number of working-age population, which affects elements of the economy: the tax area, budget, business development, social processes.
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