Keywords: financial stability of the enterprise, indicators of financial stability, factors affecting financial stability, analysis of financial stability, indicators for evaluating the financial stability of the enterprise, directions for increasing financial stability


The appropriate level of financial stability of the enterprise is the first factor affecting its competitiveness and dependence on changes in the market situation. Therefore, a comprehensive study of financial stability, as a characteristic of the financial state of a business entity, is an exceptional task. Research methods used in the work are divided into: general scientific (induction, deduction, description, observation) – when investigating the essence of the concept of "financial stability"; grouping and comparison – in the analysis of factors affecting the financial stability of the enterprise and directions of implementation of measures to increase the financial stability of the enterprise; analytical (coefficient analysis) – when studying the dynamics of financial stability of Ukrainian enterprises by types of economic activity during 2019-2021. In order to understand the essence of the concept of "financial stability" as precisely as possible, the article analyzes the approaches of scientists to its interpretation. The main factors affecting the financial stability of the enterprise are singled out, dividing them into external and internal. A description of the methods and indicators that make it possible to obtain clear information about the current state and dynamics of the financial stability of the business entity is given. The main relative indicators of financial stability and their normative values are presented, as well as the dynamics of financial stability of Ukrainian enterprises by types of economic activity during 2019-2021. Directions for the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the stability of the financial condition of the owner of the economic entity are proposed. It is noted that today, for a stable financial position in order to preserve the market, the enterprise must correctly form not only its financial capital, but also other capital: production, intellectual, human, social, reputational and natural, which creates an operational base, technological, organizational, reputational stability of the enterprise and the stability of its business model in conditions of dynamic changes in the functioning of the external environment.


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How to Cite
Partyn, H., & Papirnyk, S. (2022). ENSURING THE FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN AN UNSTABLE ENVIRONMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3-4(97-98), 129-135. https://doi.org/10.32782/mer.2022.97-98.21