Keywords: innovations, state material reserve, state administration, modern technologies


Management of the state material reserve is one of the key functions of the modern state and plays an important role in ensuring national security, especially in the conditions of full-scale Russia's military aggression in Ukraine. The article examines innovative approaches to the management of the state material reserve and its importance in solving current problems caused by existing problems in the specified area. The study analysed the general issues of the functioning of the system of the state material reserve and the main directions of innovative changes in the state administration that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of the material reserve. Several key innovations were identified that will contribute to the implementation of relevant state functions. The integration of specialised management systems and advanced technologies can optimise processes, increase the accuracy of forecasts and enable timely responses to various types of emergencies and changing situations. Ongoing review and adaptation of strategies is essential to meet both urgent and changing needs and to ensure the sustainability of the stockpile management system. Effective management of state material reserves is essential for ensuring national security, mitigating the consequences of Russia's military aggression, economic crises, natural disasters and other emergency situations. In addition, the research proves the necessity of developing an appropriate legislative framework and implementing state policy for the successful implementation of innovative approaches. The importance of introducing innovative approaches to the management of state material reserves, especially in the conditions of Russia's military aggression in Ukraine, is emphasised. By implementing innovations (modern analytical tools, digital technologies, risk management strategies), a country can strengthen national security, respond effectively to crises, and ensure the availability of critical material resources to support defence efforts and protect the welfare of citizens. The implementation of innovations will have an impact on the efficiency of spending state resources, contribute to the progressive development of state reserve management systems and achieve a more stable and effective functioning of the entire state.


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How to Cite
Chechel, O., & Bashuk, A. (2023). INNOVATIONS IN MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE MATERIAL RESERVE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3 (101), 12-20.