The article is dedicated to the study of opportunities and obstacles of the IT-sphere development in Ukraine. The work mentions the authorities that regulate and control the subjects of the IT-sphere. The Laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other normative and legal documents which form the legal basis for the functioning of the IT-sphere are grouped in the article. The article identifies key economic and law issues that have a negative impact on the activities of IT- companies, IT-professionals and business partners, and also inhibits the development of IT-sphere in Ukraine. Such problems include lack of proper comprehensive protection of software product; difficulties in the process of transferring property rights to all IT-products; lack of legal instruments and mechanism for regulating issues related to non-competition in labor relationships; piracy during using software products. The author suggests possible ways of solving each of these economic and law problems of the IT-sphere in Ukraine. The first step in solving these problems is the specification of intellectual property of the IT-professionals and IT-companies work results in the law field. The implementation of this proposal will provide a good basis for further action. The next steps include improving the regulatory framework of Ukraine to ensure legal protection of software products and creating conditions for the simple, transparent and effective process of transferring property rights to IT- products. Having solved these indicated problems of an economic and legal nature, the IT-sphere in Ukraine will be able to fully realize its capabilities: save labor resources, i.e. highly qualified and creative IT-specialists who provide development and implementation of various IT-projects; expand the boundaries of international cooperation in the IT-space; create your own IT-products; develop IT- entrepreneurship in Ukraine, especially innovative.
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