• Zuzana Křečková University of Economics
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, shared value, stakeholder, shareholder, social problems


Recent decade proved corporate focus on pure profit-maximization as badly selected strategy for the long-term growth and sustainability. The pressure from stakeholders as well as search for new sources of revenues gave birth to the Shared Value concept creation by Michael Porter. The concept that should be able to satisfy both profit creation and address some of pressing social issues. The paper presents own research based on the methodology of Shared Value Initiative. Comparative research, specifically cross-regional comparisons, as well as, cross-comparison of the regions and the social issue were used as a data analysis method. The exclusive Shared Value Initiative Case Examples database describing 164 implemented corporate projects around the world was analysed, both by geographical regions and social issues addressed. The analysis shows polarization of regions. While several regions magnetize Shared Value projects (Global-scale, South America, Central America and Caribbean, North America, Africa, and Asia), the rest of the world seems to be overlooked. In terms of social issues solved, majority of projects focused on Global (Community) Development, Education, including Workforce Development and Health and Nutrition.


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How to Cite
Křečková, Z. (2016). RECENT REGIONAL ATTRACTIVENESS FOR SHARED VALUE PROJECTS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4 (74), 56-67. Retrieved from