In today's conditions of globalization, any advantages are important for every company in the competition for the consumer. One of them is the implementation of measures for social and environmental corporate responsibility of enterprises and taking into account its practice in forming the company's development strategy. The research examines the decision-making about implementation of corporate social and environmental responsibility in enterprises. Nowadays doing business on the principles of social and environmental responsibility is not only following current trends, but also an important component of the strategy to respond to new challenges. The set of measures and projects implemented by enterprises to protect the environment and improve the quality of life of the population is usually demanded and has a positive effect on the image of enterprises. At the same time, these actions do not always meet the real needs of stakeholders. There is a need to take into account the interests of stakeholders that became the basis for the idea to develop a simple and user-friendly system of corporate social and environmental responsibility indicators. The purpose of the paper is to form scientific and methodological approaches to defining corporate social and environmental responsibility indicators, which take into account the needs of major groups of stakeholders, and form a common vision towards formulating enterprise development strategy and contribute to effective managerial decision-making in solving social, economic and environmental issues. As a result of the study, a computer program CSLinked was developed, which allows to analyze indicators of enterprises social and environmental corporate responsibility taking into account the needs of stakeholders and provides self-assessment of the company in three groups of indicators – economic, social and environmental.
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