• Oleksandra Karintseva Sumy State University
  • Iryna Tereshchenko Sumy State University
  • Anna Dyachenko Sumy State University
Keywords: variability, economic component, criteria, development, social component, stability


Activity of socio-economic system is performed in the context of interrelated processes, which usually have variability. Determining the direction, criteria and results of development is possible if socio-economic system operates stably with deviations caused by chance reasons. Therefore, reducing the variability of the socio-economic system by increasing stability is the condition for its development. It is suggested to increase stability based on make decisions concerning social and economic components of socio-economic system applying system and logical approach, structural and functional approach, synthesis and analysis methods. Social component of socio-economic system stability lies in its ability to react adaptively to new social needs without changes of current level of economic balance. Economic component of socio-economic system stability consists in ability to improve or maintain current level of economic efficiency.


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How to Cite
Karintseva, O., Tereshchenko, I., & Dyachenko, A. (2014). ON THE ISSUE OF DECISION-MAKING IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM FROM THE POINT OF ITS DEVELOPMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (64), 61-69. Retrieved from http://mer-journal.sumy.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/491