The article provides a detailed analysis of the experience of private international funding of social projects of civil society organizations using the example of private foundations in the United States. In the last few years there has been a growing interest in third sector organizations, as they are fundamental components in the formation of a democratic state. The term "civil society organization" is understood by the author as an umbrella concept that includes non-governmental organizations, churches, social movements, etc. However, the financial issue is the most important element for every third sector organization. Moreover, the number of funders of civil society organizations can be potentially large, while in reality funding comes from a limited number of large actors or the government. Moreover, the issue of successful funding is the weakest aspect of civil society organizations in most countries. Over the past decade, research on private funding of civil society organizations' social projects has increasingly shown that private foundations will become the largest donors in the near future. By the term "private foundation" the author means an organization that is usually formed to fund charitable purposes or projects through grants. This study has focused on the analyses of the philanthropic activities of the largest American private foundations, namely: the "Open Society Foundation" of George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. A significant amount of this study was devoted to an analysis of the sectoral and regional structure of the total value of grant portfolios, which is based on official statistical information. This study also analyzes the main areas and programs of charitable activities of the studied private foundations. In addition, the author conducted a comparative analysis of the private foundations under study. The main trends and patterns of grant funding of social projects of civil society organizations by international private donors in the United States were revealed.
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