• Maksym Kyrylenko Sumy State University
Keywords: honey, efficiency, subsidies, productivity of bees, innovations in the apiary


Like many branches of the national economy, beekeeping plays an important role in the country's economy. Ukrainian honey craft occupies a leading place among the top countries regarding honey production and its deliveries to the international trade arena. High quality and a relatively low price allowed it to capture a significant share of the world market, however, by all indications, the industry is in a stage of stagnation. The article allows you to understand the main reasons for the low internal efficiency of the industry and reveals ways to overcome this problem. An analysis of the state support program for the industry and its role in the development of beekeeping farms was carried out. Deficiencies in the system of ensuring the health of honey bees are identified, and examples of foreign experience in overcoming this problem are given. The influence of the beekeeper's motivation directly on the results of his activity is singled out. Along with internal effects, no less important – external effects from the activity of bee farms are studied. Bees' important role in preserving biodiversity and maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems has been determined. The importance of the discovery of Danish scientists in the ability of bees to clean the air from microparticles of artificial polymers is emphasized, which can positively affect the future ecological situation. A system for calculating external economic effects from the pollination of entomophilous crops in the agricultural sector of economic activity is proposed. It was once again emphasized that thanks to the cooperation of representatives of the agricultural industry and beekeepers, it is possible to achieve improvement in economic indicators for both parties. The materials of the article can be useful for beginner beekeepers, those who plan to invest their intellectual and financial capital in this industry, as well as representatives of the agricultural sector of the economy and owners of industrial apiaries.


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How to Cite
Kyrylenko, M. (2022). DIRECTIONS FOR INCREASING THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL EFFICIENCY OF BEEKEEPING IN UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3-4(97-98), 15-19.